Feb 8, 2016

oil change

No matter what the Internet says about the resale value of your car, someone has to be willing to purchase it for it to be worth anything to you as a trade-in. If you’re ready to trade in your old car, take some time and a little extra money to spruce it up, first.

Get It Detailed

A clean car just gives a better impression than a dirty one, and clean cars just feel like they’re in better shape, even if they aren’t. Make your first impression good by presenting a nicely cleaned car when you go to the dealer for a preliminary assessment of your trade-in. Plus, a messy car leaves the impression that you let things slide, like maintenance, even if that’s not true at all.

Change The Fluids

The dealer will be looking under the hood to see how your car is working. Changing the fluids isn’t suddenly going to fix a transmission that’s wearing out, but it will make a better overall impression. If your oil is new, the dealer won’t have to wonder how long it’s been since you last had it changed. Same with brake fluid and everything else. Bigger problems with the car are best left up to the dealer, who gets a better price on parts and labor. But that doesn’t mean your under-the-hood space needs to be a mess, either.

Check With Multiple Dealers

You don’t have to trade in your car at the first dealership you visit. Drive to a few around town and get an idea of what everyone is willing to pay. Part of trading in a car is the demand for it. One dealer might have an overflowing used car lot, while another may be looking for new inventory, and therefore may offer you a higher price.

You can do some homework before you go inside to talk to anyone, too. Check out what’s already in the used car lots at the dealerships with which you want to trade. A glut of cars that are similar to yours (within a few model years or with many of the same features) usually means that you won’t get as good a price on your trade-in.

Fix Cosmetic Issues

Scratches, dents, and dings aren’t a big deal to fix, but they cause a visceral reaction in anyone who’s interested in buying your car. When you take your car to the dealer, make sure the body looks as gorgeous as it can by removing cosmetic problems. You usually can get small body work done relatively inexpensively. You can also do several things yourself, like changing your headlights and putting on new windshield wipers. Finally, don’t take your car in with a cracked or damaged windshield, either. Get it repaired or replaced first.

Dealers know that your car is going to have wear and tear on it, so don’t feel bad if your car isn’t as pristine as it was the day you drove it off the lot. Making sure your car has its best wheel forward, however, is the smartest thing you can do when trading in. Visit us at INFINITI of Coconut Creek and let us evaluate your trade.